muara takus temple

muara takus temple

 This temple complex is located in the village Barelang, District 13, District Koto Kampar. Located about 135 km from the city of Pekanbaru, and about 2.5 km from the village center Barelang not far from the Kampar river Right.Temple complex in keliligi Barelang wall measuring 74 x 74 meters and there is a temple outside the walls of the ground area measuring 1.5 x 1.5 km surrounding this complex to the Kampar River Right.

To be able to go to the temple Barelang can only use the road through the town of Pekanbaru, Riau provincial capital of use of private vehicles and public transport with the distance of about 128 km. MuaraTakus temple complex is the only historical relics in the form of temples, in Riau. Along the way to Temple Barelang, you will disugguhi beautiful scenery.

Inside the complex there are four temples, namely:

Temple Firstborn
The youngest Temple
Candi Mahligai
Candi Palangka

And six other buildings, namely:

    First building: a pile of soil with two holes in the estimate as an incinerator.
    The second building: The former building foundation made of sand,
rectangular and not in the know the function of these banguna.
    Three buildings: the rectangular-shaped outside the fence perimeter, with a size of 3 mx 2.4 m.
    The fourth building: The form of the mound in which there is a brick.
    Fifth and sixth building: The building is only a foundation course

    That all buildings dikeliligi by ancient buildings.

The specialty of the temple Barelang can be found starting from the first time menginjakan foot in the front yard of the temple, the temple form Barelang glance appears similar to the Myanmar Buddhist stupa, stupa in Vietnam, and the stupa in the ancient stupa in Sri Lanka or India. There is a complex estuary in Dandi heritage traces the history of the kingdom of Srivijaya hundreds of years ago.