Mount Kerinci

Mount Kerinci

Including Mount Kerinci volcano is still active, with an altitude of 3805 masl. The mountain is the highest mountain in Indonesia to be beyond the mountains of Irian Jaya. To the east there is a lake Bento, the highest clear watery swamp in Sumatra.

Behind him are seven mountains with a beautiful crater almost untouched. In the middle of the park there are gaps sungaipenuh valley town, coffee plantations, and lake Kerinci.

This mountain can be reached by road from Edinburgh to Sungaipenuh through the Bangko. Can also be reached from Padang, Lubuk Linggau, and Bengkulu. With the aircraft can be landed in Padang or Edinburgh.

Panorama of natural beauty with a wealth of flora and fauna can be met from lowland to mountain top Kerinci, not only to enjoy but it's very good to do research and education. Climbing to the top of the mountain Kerinci takes two days from the Post grit Tuo.

Lowland vegetation is dominated by several types of mahogany, there is also a giant plants and flowers Raflesia rafflesia arnoldi suweg giant Amorphophallus titanum. With the Leuser national park, the park is hindered by the lake toba and Sihanok canyon. So that some animals that are not included in the Leuser park here as tapir (Tapirus indicus) and a rat pack of (Tarsius bancanus).

There are many unique animals such as Sumatran elephants, Sumatran rhinos, tigers, sun bears, leopards, except for the orangutan. Various primates such as gibbons, gibbon, and long-tailed monkey Presbytis melapophos. There are also 140 species of birds.

Tuo village grit, Kayu Aro district at an altitude of 1400 meters above sea level with a population consisting of descendants of Javanese plantation workers, so the local language is the language of Java. Tuo of grit we head into the guard post TNKS or R10 at an altitude of 1611 mdpi with about 45 minute walk through the tea plantations.

R 10 is a cottage lodge hall TNKS guard to supervise any visitor who will climb Mount Kerinci. Of us headed to the door R10 with a height of 1800 masl Forest, The distance is about 2 miles and takes approximately 1 hour drive. The terrain of plantation / farm population, road conditions good (asphalt) to the forest boundary.

Jungle is the starting gate doors climbing in the forest boundaries between the fields and forests heterogeneous as the entrance. Rimba door at an altitude of 1800 masl. Here there is also the location of shelters and location of water about 200 meters left. Bench Long-distance to 2 km or 30 minutes away, slightly sloping trajectory into heterogeneous forest.

Bench Pos length with a height of 1909 meters above sea level, there are two shelters that can be used to rest. Towards Stone Moss still sloping terrain a distance of 2 km and takes about 45 minutes through the forest. Climbers can rest in the Post Rock Moss at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, but here there is no shelter her. There is sometimes a dry river in the dry season.
To get to the Post 1 which is about 2 km from our Lumut Stone takes about 1.5 hours. Path into the dense forest and steep with a slope of 45 to 60 degrees.

At Pos 1 there is a cabin that can be used for the rest of this post is located at an altitude of 2225 masl. To reach the second post spacing should be approximately 3 miles and takes about 2 hours. This track is sometimes found in rugged terrain with slopes up to 45 but still met with the sloping terrain.

There is an old cottage in the Post 2 at an altitude of 2510 meters above sea level, hikers can take a break here. To get to the Post 3 the distance that must be taken is 2 km and takes about 3 hours. On this track can be encountered fern plant with a rather open forest conditions.

There is a cottage that has been damaged living skeleton in post 3 is located at an altitude of 3073 masl. In these places hikers can rest and still convenient to set up a tent because it was shielded by trees. Travel time to get to the top of this post about 4 hours.

To go to the Post 4 the distance to be traveled about 1.5 km, will take approximately 1.5 hours. The condition of the former path of water flow so that it will turn into the gutter when it rains. Pos 4 is at an altitude of 3351 meters above sea level this place is quite roomy able to set up some tents, but the weather here is often hostile. The next track to get to the top of sand, rock rock. Distance of 2 km to the summit takes about 3 hours. In this trajectory climbers need to be extra careful.

Summit of Mount Kerinci is at an altitude 3805 meters above sea level, here we can see in the distance stretches a beautiful view of the city of Jambi, Padang and Bengkulu. Even the vast Indian Ocean can be seen clearly. Mount Kerinci has a crater of 400 x 120 meters and contains water that is green.